Cloud Computing

Introduction to Clouds

1.Introduction to course slides 
2. "Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture", White paper, Sun Microsystems, June 2009. slides
 "A Short Introduction to Cloud Platforms," David Chappell, Microsoft Corporation, Aug. 2008. slides


Google File System


4."The Google File System", S. Ghemawat, H. Gobioff, S.T. Leung, "SOSP '03. slides, 
5."GFS: Evolution on Fast-Forward," Communications of the ACM March 2010. slides

Fluffy - IaaS

6. Introduction to Fluffy:  "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Architecture", Technical White Paper, Aug. 2009. slides


7. Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce, J. Ku and C. Dyer, Morgan and Claypool, 2010.Parallel/Distributed Computing, Intro to MapReduce slides - Chapter 1
8. MapReduce Basics slides - Chapter 2
9. "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters," J. Dean and S. Ghemawat,
 SOSP '04. slides
10. MapReduce and Algorithms slides - Chapter 5
11. Fluffy Demo and Chapter 5 Continued
12. MapReduce strategies - Chapter 3 slides -- present before HW2
13. Information Retrieval - Chapter 4 slides -- present before HW3

Student presentations

14. "Data Management in Clouds" (Bahri, Grubic) slides

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