Advanced Unix Programming Lectures

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Lecture 1: Introduction to Unix (ppt/pdf) ( Installing Linux on Virtualbox)
Lecture 2: Unix/Linux basic commands (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 3: Bash Scripting (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 4: Sed and Awk (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 5: Gcc, Makefile and gdb (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 6: File I/O (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 7: File and Directory (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 8: File system and system files (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 9: Process Environment and Control (ppt/pdf)
Lecture 10: Signals (ppt/pdf)
Lectures 11, 12, 13: Thread (ppt) (pdf)
Lecture 14, 15, 16: Socket Programming (ppt) (tcpcli example1, tcpserv example1,udpcli example1, udpserv example1 )
Lecture 17: Daemon Processes (PPT) (Fig13.1, Fig 13.6, Fig 13.7, Fig 13.8)
Lecture 18, 19: Interprocess Communication (PPT)
Lecture 20: Case Study: The Internet Printing Protocol (ipp.h, print.h, util.c, print.c, printd.c)

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