Java for C++ Programmers

Java for C++ Programmers

This tutorial is intended for students who are already familiar with C++ and with data structures, and are interested in learning Java. 
There are 5 "self-guided" lessons that include:
  • reading notes
  • answering multiple-choice questions about the material (coming soon...)
  • writing Java programs
Each set of on-line notes includes some "self-study" questions. The answers are also included in the notes; however, the best way to learn the material is to try to answer the questions yourself when you get to them in the notes. When the questions involve writing code, it is important to try to compile and run the code as well as writing it -- this will give you practice using the Java compiler and interpreter, and it will help you find errors in your code that you otherwise might miss

Lessons( in HTML Format)

  1. Java vs C++
  2. Java Classes
  3. Packages and Exceptions
  4. Introduction to Inheritance
  5. Inheritance, Interfaces, and I/O

Programming Assignments

  1. Program 1: List Class
  2. Program 2: List Class Using Linked Lists
  3. Program 3: Packages and Exceptions


Java Debugger


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